A huge benefit of creating an app for your business is to use it as a promotional engagement tool between your customers and your business. There are tons of ways to promote your business, without mobile, like coupons, flyers and other offers. Many businesses offer customers promotions and discounts to keep them coming back to their store. Our mobile apps provide powerful coupon and loyalty features that every business could benefit from.
How to get started.
Well first, it is a must you visit Grand Apps and checkout our full suite of app features, including mobile app coupons. We will get your app setup in just weeks and even help you launch it!
Tips for mobile coupons.
We recommend offering your customers at least some type of offer for even downloading your app. This incentive can be simple as "show us your app at the counter for 10% off". You can make the offer as small or large as you want, and if you are already doing some type of other coupons, our questions is WHY NOT offer mobile coupons? You can send out messages to them every single time you have an app offer! This is very beneficial for businesses and communicating to their customers about specials and promotions.
Another great recommendation is making that coupon limited time only so they have to utilize it. As a business owner offering coupons, you most certainly understand the limited time only reasons for offering these coupons. The main goal is to drive traffic during your slow times. A mobile coupon is a perfect way to get people coming in during the slow periods with limited time only coupons. Your customers all have their phone in their pockets 24/7, you can now use your app to reach out to them and get them in the door.
Every business should have a marketing plan. Better yet, every business should begin incorporating some type of mobile marketing plan in 2014.
So a recent feature update we just completed was GEO Fencing Push Notifications. This sounds like a mouth full, but really it means exactly what the title says. You can target customers based on their GEO location and when they enter an area you fenced off, they will receive a message. (They can receive your mobile app coupon offer)
Let's say they're strolling by your businesses and they have your app downloaded on their phone. If they come within the fence, they will receive a message that you scheduled weeks ago. Now they get that message, think about you and then stop in your business for that limited time only offer.
Contact Us
So if you are curious about the new technologies and mobile app coupons, just email our support team to setup a time to chat.
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